Monday, 17 December 2012

Pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan

Ø Proses dimana orang mendapatkan kapabilitas untuk membantu pencapaian tujuan-tujuan organisasional.
v Termasuk hard and soft skills
Ø Karyawan yang kurang terlatih dapat berkinerja buruk dan membuat kesalahan yang mahal.
è Konteks dari pelatihan
Ø Daya saing dan Pelatihan Organisasional
v Pelatihan membuat organisasi lebih kompetitif
v Pelatihan membantu mempertahankan karyawan yang berharga
è Knowledge Management and Training
Ø Identifying and leveraging organizational intellectual capital to create value and be competitive.
è Pelatihan sebagai sumber penghasilan
è Pelatihan Pemasaran dengan atau bersama produk dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pendapatan sebuah perusahaan.
è Integrasi dari kineja pada pekerjaan, pelatihan dan pembelajaran
Ø Pelatihan bergerak lebih dekat dengan pekerjaan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.
Ø Pelatihan menggunakan lebih banyak masalah dunia nyata untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran karyawan
è Konsultasi Kinerja
Ø Sebuah proses dimana seorang pelatih dan pelanggan organisasional bekerja bersama untuk meningkatkan kinerja yang dapat mendukung tujuan bisnis
Ø Pendekatan Konsultasi Kinerja:
v Berfokus pada identifikasi dan penanganan penyebab mendasar dari masalah kinerja.
v Mengetahui bahwa interaksi dari faktor-faktor individual dan organisasional memengaruhi kineja karyawan.
v Mendokumentasikan tindakan dan prestasi dari orang-orang bekinerja tinggi dan membandingkannya dengan tindakan dari orang-orang yang kinerjanya biasa-biasa saja.
è HR and Training Professionals
Ø Are more likely to get involved with the business, partner with operating managers to help solve problems, and to make significant contributions to organizational results.
Ø Are less likely to chase fads or the hottest or latest type of training gimmick.
Ø Are less likely to think that training alone can solve most employee or organizational performance problems.
è Successful development of global strategies is inhibited primarily by training deficits such as:
Ø Workforces with disparate competencies
Ø A declining pool of U.S. employees willing to go overseas
Ø Slow, expensive, and inflexible “on campus” training options
è A good training plan deals with the following questions:
Ø Is there really a need for the training?
Ø Who needs to be trained?
Ø Who will do the training?
Ø What form will the training take?
Ø How will knowledge be transferred to the job?
Ø How will the training be evaluated?
è Learner Readiness
Ø Ability to learn
v Learners must possess basic skills (3Rs).
Ø Motivation to learn
v Learners must desire and value training.
Ø Self-efficacy
v Learners must believe that
they can successfully learn
the training content.
è Active Practice
Ø The performance of job-related tasks and duties by trainees during training
è Spaced Practice
Ø Several practice sessions spaced over a period of hours or days
è Massed practice
Ø Performance of all the practice at once.
è Behavior Modeling
Ø Copying someone else’s behavior by observing how another person deals with a problem.
è Reinforcement
Ø Law of effect states that people tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded and avoid behaviors that are punished.
è Immediate Confirmation
Ø Reinforcement and feedback are most effective when given as soon as possible after training.
è Transfer of Training
Ø Effective transfer occurs when trainees actually use on the job what they learned in training.
v Trainees take what was learned in training and apply it to the job context in which they work.
v Employees maintain use of the learned material over time.
Ø Increasing the transfer of training
v Offering trainees an overview of training content and process before the actual training helps with both short-term and longer-term training transfer.
v Ensuring that the training mirrors the job context as much as possible.
è Informal Training
Ø Training that occurs through interactions and feedback among employees.
è On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Ø Based on a guided form of training known as job instruction training (JIT)
Ø Problems with OJT
v Poorly-qualified or indifferent trainers
v Disruption of regular work
v Bad or incorrect habits are passed on
è Reasons for External Training
Ø May be less expensive to outsource training
Ø Insufficient time to develop training
Ø Lack of expertise
Ø Advantages of interacting with outsiders
è Outsourcing of Training
Ø Declining due to cost concerns, a greater emphasis on internal linking of training to organizational strategies, and other issues.
Ø Training and certification by vendors is increasing in popularity.
è E-Learning: Training Online
Ø The using the Internet or an organizational intranet to conduct training online.
è Criteria for adopting e-learning:
Ø Sufficient top management support and funding
Ø Accepting the idea of decentralized and individualized training
Ø Current training methods not meeting needs
Ø Computer literacy and access to computers
Ø Time and travel cost concerns for trainees
Ø The number and self-motivation of trainees
è Only 50%–60% of global employers provide formal training programs for expatriates and their families.
Ø Topics covered in pre-departure training:
v Daily living conditions, cultural customs, business issues, country history, climate, and transportation and communication systems.
Ø Foreign firms operating in the United States conduct training programs to prepare their employees for the food, customs, labor and HR practices, and other facets of working and living in the U.S.

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